
Welcome to Jem Hawthorn Tarot and Esoteric Numerology based close to the shore of beautiful Lake Ontario.  Please take a look around my website, read my blog, familiarise yourself with my ideas on tarot and mumerology, and of course - feel free to order a Reading.

Throughout the ages humans have read symbols and signs, the stars in the night sky, and learned to derive meaning from numbers. Numerology is an ancient science with links to the Qabbalah, to tarot and other divinatory systems. They complement and enhance each other in ways that never cease to surprise and delight.

About Me

Tarot was my first love, but I found myself becoming dissatisfied with what I felt to be incomplete and even conflicting advice about the meaning of the numbers on
the cards. As everything I do is grounded in tradition, it was important to get to grips with the numbers as well as the suits, or I sensed the tarot would be a story half-told.


I booked a foundation course at The Connaissance School of Numerology in Royston, England, primarily to help me derive more from the tarot but it proved far more rewarding than I had expected. I then completed the Diploma course.

With numerology I had "come home" and I understood, as so many others before me, that a sound knowledge of numbers greatly enhances any tarot reading. Familiarity with the symbolism of the Tarot allows me to visualise numbers and see how they interact with each other in a reading, just as a Tarot spread can be read in story format.

In 2010 I was commissioned to write "The Maroon Tarot Companion", which will shortly be available from the Maroon Tarot website.

In my tarot and numerology readings, as in any story, there are natural pauses for reflection - and much can be discovered in the spaces between the numbers as well as the cards.

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                Number helix © lixai